bridal fashion blog

Advice Tali Gallo Advice Tali Gallo

5 Reasons Why You Should Clean and Preserve Your Wedding Dress and Bridal Veil 

I’m not typically the sentimental type and I’m a minimalist yet this is my number one reason to clean and preserve your dress. I’ve heard of countless stories of brides drinking some red wine with their mom at home and pulling out grandma or mom’s wedding dress. It’s fun! It’s an experience just to be able to see it. Maybe even a good laugh at the poufy sleeves or the vintage style neckline. I can imagine all the memories that come rushing in as the wedding dress and veil are unpacked. To me this is the best way to kick of wedding dress shopping. Even if you have no intention of wearing the dress, it’s just fun to enjoy it and see it without yellow staining all over. 

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