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Bridal Fashion Tali Gallo Bridal Fashion Tali Gallo

How To Steam A Wedding Dress

I get it, it’s your wedding day and you want everything to be perfect. Making sure your dress is wrinkle free is pretty high on the list. Most dresses steam out really nicely. Some have a natural wrinkle to them that will never go away. Those tend to be the more structured fabrics like the silk faille, satins, and taffetas. Luckily, the photography style at the moment is very airy and blown out. This will soften any wrinkles.

When the dress is being steamed it is important that it is done in a quick circular motion. For the stubborn wrinkles, leave them and come back. You don’t want too much heat on one particular part of the dress for too long of a time. Work on an area and then come back to it.

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